The nearest surroundings offers for the sportier people as well as for culture enthusiasts a lot of things to see.
The uniqe location in the „heart“ of the Innviertel is ideal for quick getting throught a variety of beautiful places.
In the summertime there are a numerous lakes and hills to walk, in the wintermonths there is the picturesque historical center of Salzburg as well as various museums.
Salzburg -
The world-famous city! The Salzburger Festspiele, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, world-culture-heritage, historical center, the sound of music, Salzburger Nockerl, … known all over the world.
Entdeckerviertel –
The home of KTM Motorcycle in Mattighofen, the worlds longest castle at Burghausen, the biggest swamp of Austria and many more to discover at Entdeckerviertel.
Trumer Seenland -
The near located Trumer Seenland with ist three lakes Obertrumer See, Mattsee, Grabensee and the untouched free nature all around, offers a perfect recreation area. Broad variety of opportunities for sports, culture and adventureinsure that boredom never rears its ugly head.
Salzkammergut -
Popular places to visit in this region are: Wolfgangsee, Attersee and Mondsee.
Also well known: Bad Ischl, Gmunden, St. Gilgen, Bad Goisern, Hallstatt and Sankt Wolfgang
Golfclubs in the nearest surroundings
Golfclub Gut Altentann, 19 Kilometer
Golfclub Innviertel - Gut Kaltenhausen, Pischelsdorf, 19 Kilometer
Golfclub Kobernausserwald, St.Johann am Walde, 23 Kilometer
Golfclub Römergolf, Eugendorf, 25 Kilometer
Additional suggestions for leisure activities:
Riesenmusem -
The museaum which is located in Lengau is dedicated to Franz Winkelmeier, (1860 - 1887) a giant who growed 2,58 meters and is know as the tallest person from his decade and till today the tallest man who ever lived in Europe.
Palfinger factory tour -
Visit the PALFINGER headquarter in Lengau, and experience live and in detail how they produce and assemble individual PALFINGER products with passion and precision.
KTM factory tour -
Experience the world of the famous constructor of motorcycles from Mattighofen behind the scenes.
Fahr(t)raum, Ferdinand-Porsche-Museum –
The museum in Mattsee which was opened in 2013 is dedicated to the famous Ferdinand Porsche and his role in the development of the mobility.