Lengauer Hauptstraße 28, 5211 Lengau +43 (0) 7746 2494 office@jaegerwirt.com

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Activities around lengau

The nearest surroundings offers for the sportier people as well as for culture enthusiasts a lot of things to see.

The uniqe location in the „heart“ of the Innviertel is ideal for quick getting throught a variety of beautiful places.
In the summertime there are a numerous lakes and hills to walk, in the wintermonths there is the picturesque historical center of Salzburg as well as various museums.

Salzburg - www.salzburg.info

The world-famous city! The Salzburger Festspiele, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, world-culture-heritage, historical center, the sound of music, Salzburger Nockerl, … known all over the world.

Entdeckerviertel www.entdeckerviertel.at 

The home of KTM Motorcycle in Mattighofen, the worlds longest castle at Burghausen, the biggest swamp of Austria and many more to discover at Entdeckerviertel.

Trumer Seenland www.salzburger-seenland.at

The near located Trumer Seenland with ist three lakes Obertrumer See, Mattsee, Grabensee and the untouched free nature all around, offers a perfect recreation area. Broad variety of opportunities for sports, culture and adventureinsure that boredom never rears its ugly head. 

Salzkammergut - www.salzkammergut.at

Popular places to visit in this region are: Wolfgangsee, Attersee and Mondsee.
Also well known: Bad Ischl, Gmunden, St. Gilgen, Bad Goisern, Hallstatt and Sankt Wolfgang

Golfclubs in the nearest surroundings

Golfclub Gut Altentann, 19 Kilometer

Golfclub Innviertel - Gut Kaltenhausen, Pischelsdorf, 19 Kilometer

Golfclub Kobernausserwald, St.Johann am Walde, 23 Kilometer

Golfclub Römergolf, Eugendorf, 25 Kilometer

Additional suggestions for leisure activities:

Riesenmusem  -  http://riesevonlengau.at/

The museaum which is located in Lengau is dedicated to Franz Winkelmeier, (1860 -  1887) a giant who growed 2,58 meters and is know as the tallest person from his decade and till today the tallest man who ever lived in Europe.

Palfinger factory tour - www.palfinger.ag/de/ueber-uns/paltour

Visit the PALFINGER headquarter in Lengau, and experience live and in detail how they produce and assemble individual PALFINGER products with passion and precision.

KTM factory tourhttps://ktm-motohall.com/ 

Experience the world of the famous constructor of motorcycles from Mattighofen behind the scenes.

Fahr(t)raum, Ferdinand-Porsche-Museum www.fahrtraum.at

The museum in Mattsee which was opened in 2013 is dedicated to the famous Ferdinand Porsche and his role in the development of the mobility. 

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